Friday, November 29, 2013


Happy Thanksgiving!  Thanksgiving has always been one of my favorite holidays!  This year, Will was kind enough to let me invite the family, plus 2 other families over for Thanksgiving (sorry, I didn't take any pictures!) 

We started off the morning preparing our yummy turkey, then Will was a sport to watch Brady while I ran a 10K in the FREEZING Cold.... Yes, our toes were numbed and burning BEFORE the race even started!  We were lucky enough to park pretty close to the start line, so we just sat in the car waiting for the last ten min.  I ran it with a friend from church, she was AMAZING!  Since it being so cold here... I have been terrible with running and training for the 10K.. excusses such as, It's too cold to run with Brady outside (hasn't gotten above 40 for like 2 weeks), after he goes to bed, it's too cold (like under 32)... totally legit reasons from an Arizona girl right?  Needless to say, I defiantly felt the affects of not training well during the whole race and even today some... but yesterday NOT ABLE to MOVE WITHOUT PAIN!!  HURT SO BAD!   But thanks to Lily, we finished it with running most of the way. 

After heading home and taking a boiling water shower to warm up, Thanksgiving preparations were almost done!  Will and I cooked our FIRST turkey!  Not only that, but it was the secret Merrill Goosock turkey, which turned out AMAZING!!!  We managed to fit 17people over for dinner.  All the food was AMAZING!  Brady loved my sisters rolls.  In fact, while eating leftovers today for lunch, he managed to pull the table cloth, tip over a full cup of milk all over just to reach a roll... I should have taken more from my sister :)  After eating, the kids had fun playing in our partially finished basement and we played games and chatted.  It was VERY noisy, but lots of fun! We went to bed VERY early last night.

I am so thankful for Wills job where is is able to support us so I can stay at home, only needing to work occasionally.  I am gratful that we were sent to Omaha, where I do some some family and friends instead of another state where we knew no one.  I am especially grateful for all the new friends I have met, and of course for Brady and Will.

Brady is now 9months.  No walking yet... which could be good and bad :)  He has managed to have his two bottom teeth break through the gums.  He still crawls everywhere.  We are continuolusly working on his naps... he either doesn't want to take one, or plays for over an hour before falling asleep for 30min... needless to say, this means he has gotten more grumpy and needing a lot more attention :(  It is something we have been working on for months.   Maybe by the time we have another child we will figure it out :)