Brady: He is finally walking!!! He started about 2 weeks ago and LOVES going anywhere and everywhere. It has finally warmed up outside most days to where we can go out and play for 30 min to 2 hours. He gets so mad when we have to go in, or it's rainy and cold so we can't go out. Sticks are his favorite along with his golf ball. He is still learning how to climb up/down the hill without falling and has attempted to climb our chain link fence twice... lucky he hasn't made it too far!
He has learned a couple new tricks. With everything blooming his nose has been a waterfall! Will taught him about a month ago to blow his nose!!! BEST TRICK EVER!!! One night after Will helped him blow it, Brady stole the Kleenex from him and started walking out of the room... we followed him... he took it and threw it away! Then started clapping! He throws away all his Kleenex's the past 2 weeks and sometimes will throw away other stuff when asked. We didn't even teach him that one! Oh, and always pats his chest with a big smile and then claps his hands. SO CUTE!
He is getting sneaky too! Every once in a while when it's getting close to nap time Brady will go throw a toy
The other night it was bed time so we walked into his room and as I went to grab his blanket and pacifier to rock for a bit before bed he RAN away from me! When calling him back he kept running! He thinks it's the funniest thing ever to run away when you call him now... It's cute because he still falls and giggles so much when you catch him.
in his crib... or he will find his diaper bag and pull out his extra pacifier (he only gets those for sleep time)
Charisse: I have started working from home 10hrs a week as a personal assistant. I LOVE it! It's nice to give me something productive to do during Brady's naps while earn a little extra cash. I still work 3-4 hrs on Sat. as a PTA. I am getting bigger each day with 2 months counting till baby two!
Will: Still keeping busy at work and learning new things. He is now scout master over the Deacons and has been getting ready for a bit Camping trip this weekend. He is enjoying getting to go camping again... even though it is tick season :( yuck!
Family: WE SOLD OUR HOUSE!!! We were so blessed to put our house on the market and have it sell within 6 weeks!!! We are very excited to pay off all debt except our Omaha mortgage, and have some extra
cash to get things we have been needing for a while and get a good kick start into finishing up our basement. We are so sad to lose that house because we liked it a lot, but the time was right to sell it and when we move back we will need something larger.