What we've been up to...
Will: Still working :) Someone has to make us money :) I say We (but really it's all Will) started to gut our downstairs bathroom, move electrical and water, and are just getting ready to put it back together. We...He is putting a tub in, making the room bigger by moving the wall (so the tub fits), floor, ceiling, pretty much everything. He keeps busy working with the scouts too.
Charisse: I've been keeping very busy. I started Insanity Workouts this week... I am determined to get back to my old clothes! I took a part-time job as a PTA for a company 2-4 hours a day while their PTA went on Maternity leave (my mom is AMAZING to watch the boys for me!). I have been trying to catch up on scrap-booking for the year. LOVE being a mom of two boys...even though at times I might not act like it lol
Brady: Is just as busy as every. He is starting to talk in Russian (at least that's what it sounds like)... He copies our words pretty well, but now has full blown conversations with himself or us about who knows what. I am so excited for him to start saying sentences! He still LOVES being outside! It is so fun to watch him learn. The other day I was getting Tanner out of the car and I hear Brady go "SSSSSSSSS.ssssssssssssss.Sssssssssss" I look over at him and he is pointing to an earth worm... we have only gone over snake a couple of times. He LOVES our I Spy books and that's pretty much where he has been learning most of his random words. He is starting to point out the objects now too! It's so much fun!
He loves to give us cheesy smiles! He does really well with Tanner too. It was so cute! The other day I heard Brady growling from the other room. I checked in there really quick cuz Tanner was in there playing on the floor, and I see this...
My sister made Tanner some small tag animals and Brady was holding the dino in front of his face growling! I LOVE IT!!! We can tell Brady to go talk to Tanner and he'll go "Hieeeee!" It's been fun..
Tanner: This guy grows so fast! He is starting to thin out his chubs but still has a tire. He occasionally rolls from tummy to back, but a few days ago he actually rolled back to his tummy again! He's only done it once, but I can peek at him grunting in the other room for like 10min and he is just trying to get back on his tummy again. Its really funny! He loves playing on his tummy had has started to scoot too (though he doesn't know it). Its funny because He'll scoot close to a toy, then get tired and put his head down, on the toy, and get mad like "where did this come from?"
Tanner has smiles for everyone!
These three boys are the BEST things ever!!!