Saturday, March 28, 2015

Busy Bag Play Date

With Brady getting older, I've been trying to do 5-10min learning time right after Tanner lies down for a nap, then Brady reads books for the next 45-60min.  I started looking for some quiet busy activities that he could start doing because books for that long is getting harder for him.  I found a blog that did a busy bag swap!  I got a group of 10 people, and we each made 10 of the same busy bag, with each person choosing a different one.  I gave them a month to make it, and 2 weeks to choose what they were making.  We all posted on FB so we knew what each one had.  I decided to have the age group 2-4 yrs old.  I LOVED how it turned out!  I just wanted to share with you all the creativity my friends have!  PS... There are 11 because someone chose to make a bonus one!

Felt board with make your own face, ice cream cone, and Caterpillar with the cutest legs EVER!

Geo board! One of my favorites!  I LOVED how she used nuts and bolts so it's easier for the little fingers.  You can also make cards to go with it to challenge them to make specific shapes.

I Spy Bottle.  It didn't come with a page of items to look for, so I'll dump it out, take pictures.  Brady loves  shaking it, but needs help to point out objects.  Great for in the CAR!

Play Dough Mats!  This came with 10 different ones!  So fun!

Counting Train.  You can attache velcro or magnets to help them stay on better.

Magnet bottle.  Cut up pipe cleaners, safety pins, and paper clips to try to catch, and some pompoms and buttons for them to learn about what's magnetic and what's not.  Great for in the CAR!

I made this one... sewed 100 fish!  I didn'dt want to glue the felt because I was scared the small magnet would fall out.  I LOVED how they turned out!  ( may be biased a bit ).  Small size to fit in the purse/diaper bag.  Came with 10fish.

Velcro Posicle sticks.  Again, you can make cards to help them have ideas of shapes to build.  Small to fit in the purse/diaper bag

Velcro Rainbo Chain.  Perfect for little fingers and coordination. small for purse/diaper bag

Fun for all ages!  Small ones like to figure out the clothes pins, and big ones learn the Uppercase and Lower case letters. 

Counting caterpillars, with colors

During the month of getting ready, I chose to make about 20 more myself... addicted?  Probably.  I'll most those next.  Since we are going on a road trip I decided to separate them into good road trip ones, and and not so good... I'll let you know how the road trip goes with those activities!

Thursday, March 5, 2015

Where do they come up with these ideas?

I have learned... boys are crazy!  Brady turned two 2 weeks ish ago... and he comes up with more crazy ideas than ever!  Ever since he turned two, he's been turning his toys into birthday cakes, blowing out the candles, and and singing "Happy to you!".  A week later was Wills birthday, and mine soon... so he asks for cup cakes and presents each day.  So much fun!

We haven't been up to much... So here are some pictures...
Tanner loves peeking around doors... and Brady loves to close them so tanner can open them again.  They do it with cabinets too!

Making sugar cookies for Valentine Day.  Tanner is just as bad at stealing the dough as Brady

Brady asks to lick anything and everything involved with cooking.. his favorite... sour cream

Both boys were sick with a bug... and then turned into ear infections.
I have had my fair share of cuddles this past month

They play more and more together each day.  Tanner just follows Brady around

He was so excited to blow out the candles by himself!

Real tools... yes Will wants more "fix up" projects from this guy

Has pretty good use with the hammer... only gets his fingers a couple of times

Stole Brady's old hammer, cuz he has a new one now

Happy Birthday!  He got other stuff too... just did'nt get a picture

Tanner:  Just stated saying "mamamama" today!  Crawls EVERYWHERE!  Pulls himself into kneeling position on chairs and toys.  LOVES to stand and look outside.  We are waiting for warmer weather for easy entertainment for the boys.  Doesn't drink during the night anymore!!!  Yay!

Brady:  Comes up with random ideas... building mountains with couch curtains, birthday cakes, builds all kinds of towers, runs runs runs, loves getting Tanner to follow him and then play peek a boo with doors.  Scoots on the floor with Tanner, and loves bubbles!  Loves learning his numbers, colors, and shapes.  And likes to point out everything that is big or little... and everything big is now "heavy"

Charisse:  Working on lots of fun busy bags for Brady's quiet time.

Will:  Enjoys the new job... that's not so new anymore