Friday, August 21, 2015

I LOVE summer time!

Every once in a while in the mornings it's been chilly, and it is making me a little excited for the fall, but mostly I'm just starting to miss the summer time!  I am not looking forward to cold days, coughs, snow, and not being able to play outside.... So we've been enjoying our time out in the sun as much as possible!  Here are some fun pictures and updates.

Tanner:  almost 14months!  He LOVES being outside and fights for it every chance he gets.  He loves being a big boy and follows Brady, or other friends around.  We started doing a sticker job chart for Brady, and Tanner grabs the stickers from Brady, brings them to me, I give him one, and he goes and puts it on Bradys old chart.  He is so proud of himself!  He is just starting to copy some words we day, and LOVES animals! Just being around any animal Tanner gets the biggest grin on his face, and fights to get out of our arms so he can go pet them.  Tanner gives his toys willingly to brady and will give him Hugs throughout Brady's tantrums.

Brady: He liked lighting off fireworks, but not the noisy part.  He continues to be the "worried" (for lack of better words) big brother always making sure he knows here Tanner, Mom and Dad are.  He likes to surprise daddy and text him pictures at work.  Outdoors is still a favorite.  He's acting more like a Preschooler, and is able to communicate even better and starting to have more patience.  Most of the time he enjoys sharing with Tanner, and gets stuff for him.  One morning, after Tanner had been screaming all morning, I put Tanner up in his chair to eat breakfast (Brady was still managing to sleep during it all), and go outside to feed the chickens and get a break from his yelling.  I come back and Brady had woken up, gotten a sippy cup AND lid, and was  just placing it on Tanners tray while he was climbing up to eat his breakfast.  Brady noticed Tanner had already thrown his cup on the ground and went to get something else for him.  It was SO SWEET!  And... sometimes he'll just go calm Tanner down when I've walked  out of the room in frustration.

Our porch continues to make a great swimming pool and lots of entertainment for me to get stuff done.

We had one chicken "sunny" that kept escaping and would get further and further into our yard, closer to the dogs, and into the front.  This particular morning it had just started wandering onto our porch and Brady run inside "Mommy!  Chicken come play with Brady?!"

Will LOVES spending time with the boys!  He's been working 50-60hr work weeks but still manages to come home for dinner, and wrestle the boys.  He's coming up on his 3 months and the job and loves learning new things!  This is a typical picture of Tanner poking and shoving his fingers to Brady.

 Fun at the park, and visits with Grandparents, Aunts and Uncles, cousins and friends.

 When you visit Grandpa on a Saturday, you WILL be expected to do yardwork.

Last but not least, our chickens started laying eggs!  A month sooner than excepted too!  We have 11 chickens, although 2 of them are my brothers.  The most we've gotten in a day is 4!  We are so excited for the eggs to start getting normal size, and collecting more than 1-2.  This was our first week NOT buying eggs from the store!  Brady is scared of the chickens pecking him, but still likes to go out and look for eggs.