Tuesday, September 1, 2015

Family Campout

This past weekend we went camping at Arrowhead Campground in Iowa.  WE LOVED IT!  It was perfect for the boys.  My parents came with us.  We couldn't have asked for better weather.  Just cool enough to keep off the bugs and needed a light jacket in the morning.  It rained in the evening while we were asleep which is always the best time! I loved the fact that we could just put up camp anywhere, and it wasn't super busy.  My parents brought their kayak so we took a couple trips on those, went on a short hike, and played at the park.  The entire time talking about camping Brady kept saying "no camping, scared of bears".  But he hasn't stopped asking us about going camping again since we've been home.  He LOVED everything about it!  We are looking forward to the ward camp out the end of the month.
Throwing rocks was the top activity.  

Once asleep, this boy slept like a rock.  The rest of us... not so much

We made biscuits, muffins, and cookies with this AWESOME camp oven/stove.  It uses propane.  We wanted to test it out for our food storage.

Love the excitement!