Friday, May 24, 2013

3 Years!

Tuesday Will and I celebrated our anniversary.  Brady and I met Will at the end of his work day to tour the Omaha World Herald news paper plant.  It was fun to see!  Last time I saw it was when my family moved to Nebraska 10 1/2 years ago!  I never thought I would survive driving the downtown "oneway" streets, but I did!  Woot woot!

For our anniversary we took a trip to our past.  We got engaged in Omaha Feb. 6, 2010.  We went out to eat at the same restaurant downtown where we ate.  Then we took a walk around the lake and took pictures from where we ate dessert and Will proposed 3 years ago!  It is so fun looking
3 years ago when we proposed
back to see where we have ended up... with a baby and back in Nebraska.  We would have never thought!  It was so fun to retrace our steps back when Will first visited and met my parents. 

Same place 3 years later
I am the luckiest woman on Earth to have these two handsome boys for my family!  I love Will so much and look forward to continuing on our life through eternity together!

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