Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Kitchen- lots of pictures

Yay!  Our kitchen is mostly finished!  Well, the cabinets are finished.  We still have some trim to paint, curtains up, some baseboards left, and decorating, so don't judge me :)


The overall process was simple, it just took A LOT OF TIME.  Do I like it?  about 90%.  I love the clear hard coat on the outside, and the degrees er to save lots of sanding.  The bond coat (middle coat) says you only need to do two, and then they (Rustoleum) has an option glaze.  We didn't want to do the glaze, and since we didn't we needed a 3rd bondcoat.  To save paint we only did it on the outside.  On some of the cabinets, after putting on the final clear coat, some yellowish stuff came through... but since it did that in random spots on about 1/3 cabinets, we felt it was ok, and didn't re-do it all over.

After:  Please excuse the messy counter tops.



Last week I received my 80lb order of chicken from Zaycon foods.  With the help of a friend, who watched Brady for a couple of hours because he wasn't feeling well, this is what I accomplished from 10am - 7:30 pm.  There was lots of preparation for the freezer meals and bottled chicken.

23 freezer meals

about 15 1/2 quart bags of extra chicken for other meals.

32 pints of bottled chicken.

Monday, October 21, 2013

8 months!

Brady is 8months!  I can't believe how fast it has flown.  I LOVE every minute of it!  Sorry, but there aren't any pictures :(  I already posted the ones I have of him from 7months... and he has had a cold the past week, so he looks really sad, tired, and hungry (cuz he doesn't want to drink his bottles :(  )

What Brady has accomplished during his 7month phase:
* He crawls anywhere and every where... fast!  When he crawls on wood, you can here him coming from a mile away.
* He plays by himself in his bed room for about 10-15min, then makes his way down the hallway...long living room... to find mommy in the kitchen
* He likes to try to attack the dishwasher no matter how many times I tell him no
* His stand alone record time is 3sec. 
* He loves walking with people helping him
* He will crawl up to anyone and everyone and use them to pull himself up.  I mean ANYONE!  We have been to multiple 1st birthday parties and he will just crawl on up and start climbing on people.
* He blows bubbles, whatever you call them ALL. DAY. LONG.
* He likes to talk to dogs
* He still loves putting EVERYTHING in his mouth... including bugs... even though he gags/chokes every time.  I am still waiting for this phase to end.

Three days a week I watch my 2 1/2 yr old nephew, and 3mo old neice.  He LOVES having people to play with him.  His favorite thing is to crawl around the house following his cousin.   He also likes to try to attack his little cousin, but we are working on that.  That's pretty much what he has been up to.  Next post... our kitchen!