Sunday, January 19, 2014

11 Months!

I can't believe how fast the time has gone!  My little boy will be one year in a a month!  CRAZY!  He is still growing fast and learning lots.  This month has been fun because, although he is still not walking, he listens and watches you while you try to get him to say words.  He really only says "ma" and "da" now, but makes LOTS of noises and talks to himself a lot.  Lately he LOVES stuffed animals, especially monkeys.  He will squeal when you give him one, and talk to it in a high pitched voice.  It's really funny!  Accomplishments this past month:

*Daddy taught him how to click his tongue
*One day he just started flipping his tongue over (can't get a picture though)
*He got the concept of "playing the drums"
*Loves to clap
*we went to the air museum, and he LOVED the HUGE fans!  He has always liked looking at fans/lights but the ones there, he looked at the whole time!
*He got some fun toys for Christmas and loves playing with them
*Went to the zoo, his favorite is still the aquarium.
*For months now he will pull the kitchen chairs around the room, but this month he started  crawling under them and then pushing them.
*Lately he will look at books and talk to himself while he reads them

Things on our side of the river... Work is about the same for Will, I work most saturdays for 3-4hrs.  We are going to come visit in Feb. to put our Mesa house up for sale.  No this does not mean we are not moving back, it means 1. our home here is larger then that one so if/when we move back it will be to a larger home. 2.the market is up 3. it's hard to find renters when we are states away.

surprisingly, we aren't frozen to the ground here.  We haven't accomplished much on the house because most of the stuff involves working in the freezing garage to make things, or yard work, and we don't feel like freezing our buns off!  Maybe in the spring... if that will ever come :)

at the zoo looking at the fish

He likes to steal daddys hat

best picture I could get of him playing the drums

New favorite past time

New Christmas toys!  Yay!

Merry Christmas!

At the Air museum


he had to play with these for 10min before he would let us take him away

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