Monday, December 15, 2014

Life has been a little crazy, but we are enjoying it!  Here's what we've been up too...

Tanner (5) months:  Scoots to toys closes to him, and loves to roll around and play on his tummy.  the Jumper is his favorite (and my lifesaver for about 30min each day), and he likes to get up on his knees, but no crawling yet.  He has a smile for anyone and everyone until 4:30 rolls around, then there isn't one thing that can make him happy.  He thinks Brady is the funniest thing alive.  We are working in him sitting up.  And he is getting his first tooth!

 Brady (22 months):  Crazy as ever!  He is always moving and coming up with random objects to play with and trying to figure anything and everything out.  He likes playing with Tanner occasionally and says "hi" to anyone or anything (yes, random objects and appliances). Some of his favorite words are: working, sneeze, cookie and any other word that is more "difficult to say he will probably say it for you.  Favorite song : "Tinkle Tinkle little star"

Loved playing in the first snow!  He ate any snow he could get his hands on for days!

Figured out how to hang ornaments all by himself... and manged to break all of  the ones he was allowed to play with.

Charisse:  I am on my home run stretch of working for 3 months part-time to cover for a girl on maternity leave.  I love that I have been able to help people out as a PTA, but I also miss being with the boys more than the afternoon.  It's been a little crazy.  In my spare time I've been working on some canvas artwork for my bathroom.  All it is is aluminum foil, modge podge, and canvas.

Will:  November he started his new job as an Apprentice Power Lineman.  I admit, this is the job we have been looking for, but it's been a pretty rocky start.  He travels to Iowa to work for technically 4 days, then is home for 3 days...but there are a couple of projects that have been really behind so they have been traveling to the boarder of Iowa and Wisconsin, and parts of NE so he is gone for more like 2weeks at a time.  He loves the work and the people he works with.  We are crossing our fingers that they will be back on their "original" job, and home his "scheduled" times so we can see him more.  

We had a great Thanksgiving with my parents and are looking forward to spending time together for Christmas!  I am so blessed to have these boys in my life.  Although it's been a rough two months, I am grateful for the blessings I have received and know that as I have faith things will all work out, the RIGHT way in the end.  

Usually they are smiling...but never when I need them too.  Whenever I need something to entertain both boys, I make something.  Makes the house smell great, but not so great for the slimming tummy!

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