This past weekend Will and I drove to Albuquerque, NM for a continuing education course I was interested in taking. We left Wed. and it was so nice to spend time together on the drive, and read. I finished 2 books on this trip! I was at class from 8-5 most of the days, so we were able to do hiking or the "tourist" things. One night we did drive to the temple and walk around a bit, we managed to eat ice cream everyday, and most of all, I enjoyed having a break and doing whatever I pleased. We don't have a TV at our house so I am usually keeping myself busy other ways, but it was nice to sit and watch TV For a bit and read a book during commercials. I have to say... not something I can do for more then a couple of days because it would be boring, but I enjoyed it while it lasted.
So, down to the juicy stuff... The class I took was called Visceral Manipulation. If you don't know what "visceral" is... it's pretty much your guts. I know it sounds weird, but I learned how to mobilize and balance the stomach, liver, gallbladder, small and large intestines. It was GREAT! Defiantly difficult to learn, and I still need LOADS of practice to really become good at it. If any of you are interested in letting me mush around in your tummies and get things moving again, I would love to learn. Just some interesting facts I learned...
*in most car accidents tendon that holds the liver can get stuck, and cause pain years to come
*you Liver relates to R shoulder pain, and has some connection to your eyes
*if your small intestines or part of your large intestines are tight it can cause sciatic pain, or tight hip and back pain
*these organs have their own personality to help with the body. For example... the Gallbladder likes to take on the "every day stresses" of life. (did you leave your keys in the car? Late to work? )
I think the most important thing I learned, is why it is so important our inner organs need to move. If you think about it... how many times do we breathe a day? All day right? So, every time we breathe, all the other organs move up and down, or side to side. If one of those organs has a small restriction in it, and we are breathing X number times a day, that can lead to pain somewhere in the chain. If we smashed our finger in the door, we don't use that for a bit until it feels better. Well, our organs can get hurt from infections, accidents, falling, ect. and they need to be able to move freely too. All in all, I am very excited to put my new knowledge to work, and figure some stuff out.
yay you have a blog! It will be fun to keep track of your life and stay connected with our busy schedules. I love the headbands you made, super cute!