Saturday, May 5, 2012

Freezer Crockpot Meals

Last week Camilla and I decided we were going to make 10 crockpot freezer meals to put in our freezer.   She saw a couple different people do in on Pinterest.  She is always bad at making dinner because she gets home late from school, and I am bad at making dinner when I get home from work different hours.  I decided to make some with her because most of the meals had veggies in it ( I HATE veggies with a passion and have no clue how to cook with them to make them taste yummy), and meat in it (my sister isn’t a big fan of eating meat herself), so we decided to give it a try!

This past week we found 10 different recipes we were interested in try, typed up a shopping list, compared what she had and I had so we didn’t have to buy a ton of seasonings and some other ingredients.  So, last night while both of our husbands were at father-and-sons we made our meals!

Around 5:30-6 we went to Superstition Ranch Market (the BEST place to buy cheap fruits and veggies for cheap, you just have to be picky), where we bought the veggies we needed.  $10 dollars each for each of us.  Next we went to the grocery store and bought the rest of the items, and chicken (We both already had some chicken and beef out defrosting for about 4 meals).  We spent $40-50 each.  Then, we unloaded everything and got to work!

Groceries bought and ready to start.
Our recipes posted for easy to read use
Camilla chopping seasonings from her garden, and we used them too!

Here are my 13 gallon size bags with our 10meals in them ready to take home.

 We finished chopping and making the meals around 10:30, cleaned up, and I left for home around 11.  Now all we have to do is defrost them the night before in the fridge, and add it to the cock pot so we can have dinner ready when we come home in the evening.  I hope they tasted good!

1 comment:

  1. Let me know how you like them! I might just have to get those recipes from you! :D
