Friday, November 2, 2012

Happy Halloween! 23 Weeks and counting!

We were able to borrow the costume from MaryJo my sister-in-law!

Did you guys have a great Halloween?  I did!  I used to not like Halloween growing up, until my brother/s started doing this refrigerator box maze.  As a single, every Fri/Sat night in Oct I would be working on it, and Halloween night I will be there till midnight.  This year, the maze was a bit smaller seeing as we have family of our own which means less time, but it was still a GREAT maze!

I wore the skirt/tights Wed night but forgot to get a good pic of them :(
Sat. before Halloween we went to a co-workers party.  It was actually really fun!  Will and I both aren't the real "social butterfly" go to parties type of people, but we had a TON of fun!  I was able to go chat with some scottsdale co-workers I hadn't seen in a while. 

Halloween night, unfortunate, Will had school.  I KNOW!  The teacher let him out 1 hr early, but with how late it was, he wasn't able to make it to the maze.  I went though, and it was a blast!  Only having 100 boxes up, instead of 300 made it smaller and quicker for people to make it through.  Thankfully, this meant I didn't have to go though and help people out for crowd control, because I probably wouldn't have with my belly.  I enjoyed seeing old ward members and family there though and look forward to doing it again next year!

23Weeks Belly

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