Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Blessings and more

Before we moved we were able to bless Brady.  I am so grateful for the Priesthood and the blessings it provides, and for a Husband who is able to hold it and bless our family.  We had lots of family show up for the blessing and open house.  It is overwhelming to know how much our little family is loved. 

A lot of people have asked me about my feelings of moving to Nebraska and I never know what to say  I lived there before for 3 ½ years, and Will has been living there for 2 months.  The last week with Waiting for Will to get here, packing up the moving truck, and getting everything organized I was just ready to be done with it all; not even trying to think about unloading the truck into storage, still not having my things, looking for homes, studying for my PTA exam, and dealing with snow… I am not looking forward to.  

I am going to miss Arizona very much.  Almost all of both our families live there, many friends and ward members, Arizona has beautiful mountains great for rock climbing, hiking, camping, ect.  Nebraska has green grass and hills, my parents and more siblings.  We are both excited to start this new adventure with our new family member and a new job.  Will and I both know this is where the Lord wants us to be for some reason, we just don’t know what.  I am excited to see old friends and members from my high school years.  I am continuing to learn that saying “goodbye” means nothing.  We have so many forms of communication to stay in touch it makes it easy; but the thing I have realized the most is this:  If you have good friends and family, it  doesn’t matter how far apart you live or how long it has been since you talked, you always seem to pick up where you left off.  We did have an open house before we left to see family members one last time, but it’s never for an official good bye, just for another time to get together.

Past few weeks

Excuse the long posts, I am using my blog more as a journal as well as informing friends and family.

Will back after being gone for a month
We had great help packing from family.

The past 3 months have been crazy but full of many many blessings. Will accepted his new job in Omaha, Nebraska Jan. 2nd. Within the next 2 ½ weeks He packed up most of his stuff, and we bought a newer-used truck that should hopefully last us for years and work great in the snow for a pretty good deal.  The week of Christmas we managed to pay off my Honda.  Jan. 23rd Will left me to drive to Nebraska and start work the 28th. 

Bradys changing table.
He was such a trooper with the cold breeze 

 My last day of work was Feb. 8th.  Between those two weeks I managed to pack up the rest of the house and garage, with help from family and friends, and move everything over to my father-in-laws to store.  We took up a whole garage space, and a guest bedroom.  I wanted to get everything moved out of the house as soon as I could so I could go stay with my sister and not be alone in the home.  After moving out and deep cleaning it, we put up our “For Rent” sign.

I had about 2 weeks from when I quit work till I had Brady.  During that time I hung out with some   The week Will came into town when I had Brady was perfect timing.  Will came in Tuesday and Friday we signed a contract with the renters and they had the house Sat. 

We have been so blessed with how quickly we found a truck for Will, I was able to move the house, and how soon we found renters.  Besides Brady, the biggest blessing of ALL has been that Will was able to make it to Arizona both times. 

The first time he flew stand by when he came after I had Brady.  Both to AZ and from AZ he was the very last passenger on the flight because one person had cancelled.  The second time he came, he drove with my Brother and Mom to bring back the trailer he took up the first time.  What is typically a 22hr drive when driving straight through with 2 drivers took 2 ½ very long days.  My brothers truck which had never had any problems broke down 2 weeks before the trip to AZ.  Then on the trip, it broke down 6miles outside of Denver at midnight.  They were then towed to a car place and tried to sleep in the truck with 25deg weather.  The next day after the truck was fix, it broke down in the middle of nowhere only 3 hrs later.  They were able to get another tow truck and be towed to a small town; by the time they got there shop had closed, so they had to get a hotel and stay another night waiting for it to be fixed.  Needless to say, instead of Will getting here early afternoon Tuesday he finally made it late Wed night.  We are all glad they made it, and the drives back to Nebraska have been a lot less eventful.
Brady slept most of the way both days

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

One Month

Brady turned 1 month old yesterday!  He has changed so much and is learning quick.  Sometimes when I talk to him, he turns his head and looks at me and concentrates really hard.  Brady enjoys most of his bath time, not the getting out of the warm water part... but who does? 

We went to the doctor yesterday, when he was exactly one month.  These are his stats:

Newborn:  8lbs 3 oz  (he dropped to 7lb 8 oz in the first week); 19.25in long
One month: 8lbs 13oz; 21in long

My little boy is getting so big!  We love him to pieces!  We are excited because Will is coming into town sometime this week and Brady gets to spend time with his daddy!

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Three Weeks Old

Can you see his hickie?
 Brady is now 3 weeks!  He is growing so fast!  He has lost his new born chubby cheeks already, which I am sad about, and is starting to look older.  I love to see all of his goofy faces when is is angry, or dreaming.  It makes me wonder all the time what his imagination is going through.  Brady is doing pretty good with sleeping during the night, he goes 3-5 hrs between feedings; the hardest thing is he makes SO much noise!  One night he just growled for 2 hrs straight!  He knows weather he wants his pacifier or just to suck on his hand/arm.  Brady gave himself his first hickie yesterday.  I was playing with him after his nap and noticed this big purple streak.  I knew he did it himself because there was another day where he was sucking away at his arm pretty good, and I took his arm out of his mouth because I didn't want him to get one, he had a HUGE red spot.  This time, he successfully gave himself a full one that is still showing a day later. 

Brady and I have been enjoying many visits from friends and family.  We were able to go for a walk with my friend and her son.  During the day I have a really hard time getting him to sleep by himself during naps.  I LOVES to fall asleep on my chest, which makes it really difficult to get things done, but he is just too cute I can't get mad.  Lately he is up for about 1 to 1 1/2 hrs after feeding so he only sleeps for 45-60min before next feeding which is when I take a nap with him because I can't get anything else done.  Some of my favorite faces he makes are really hard to get pictures of.  He likes to lay on my chest, fold his arms, then arch his head and back up to just look at me with a "I am deep in thought" look on his face.  Then, whenever I burp him, he looks at me like "mom, are you serious.  this is SO annoying" and as soon as he gives me a loud burp, he flings himself back to eat some more.  I am so bummed that I can't get pictures of these cute faces. 

I LOVE being a mom to this little boy!  I am so grateful for the opportunity!  I am especially grateful that Will will be in town next week and Brady and I will be able to move back to NE with him to be a complete family again!  Yay!
I tried so hard to get his "thinking" pose of his face on his arms, but he was just too tired

Sunday, March 3, 2013

Nearly 2 weeks...mile stones

Over the past week and a half Brady has been learning and growing so much!

*  He lost his umbilical cord at day 6
* Took his first real bath!  Enjoys it most of the time
* Mostly puts himself to sleep, sometimes without the pacifier, some times with
* Likes to stay awake for sometimes 4-5 hrs at a time
*  Loves playing with Grandma
* Loves to suck on his fist or arm, which ever is most handy
*  Starting to tolerate tummy time
* Manages to pee all over himself and whomever is holding him multiple times a day
* Taken a bottle and downs it like there is no tomorrow