Sunday, February 19, 2012

How we met...

My sister-in-law Emile was good friends with Will’s family and was at one of their get together.  Will’s sisters were complaining how they wanted to set him up with a nice girl because he’s “to shy and won’t talk to girls”.  Emilie volunteered me…don’t worry, she told me afterwards.  A couple months went by and I didn’t hear anything until around Halloween.  Emilie and Irving were having a family party the day before Halloween with some friends and family.  She invited Will’s sister, and of course, she dragged Will along. 
Emilie’s mom introduced me as “the little tour guide” and I had to take him and his sister through the maze.  Surprisingly enough, Will did very good and only made 2-3 wrong turns, he claims “I am just that good”.  Anyway, afterwards we chatted for a bit, and he got my number.  I was shocked!  After hear that he doesn’t talk to girls… and getting my number.  I didn’t expect too much because guys had gotten my number before and never called.  As you can tell, he called, we went on a date, and the rest is history. 

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