Sunday, February 19, 2012

Projects I have been working on…

1.  Food Storage!  I credit everything I did to this blog (Look at her Tues, Nov. 16th, 2010 post, and if you e-mail her she will send you an e-mail version of her book.  This includes the way she rotates, organizes, stores, shops, cooks, and recipes for food storage.  She has some really good tips!) 
       I decided to start with making a 4month supply which includes 7 breakfasts, 7 dinners, bread for lunch, and 3 desserts.  All of these meals I plan on the worst situation, no food, water, electricity.   I started this the middle of last year and have been s.l.o.w.l.y… making progress.  I finally feel like I am almost there!  Recently we bought a shelf from “Shelf Reliance” which rotates cans great and holds a TON of cans!  I would rate it 8/10.  The last bit of stuff I need to work on is getting a hand wheat grinder, something to cook everything with (I am thinking of the colman oven/stove things), gathering up water barrels, and buying the #10 cans and bulk from  the LDS canery and Honeyville found here

2.  I have been getting into sewing.  So far, I have completed 2 skirts, and almost finished with the third. I know pictures of them being worn are better, but this is what I have:
 This is a skirt I made from 2 old work Polo shirts for my 2yr old niece.  I found the pattern from this blog, who ALWAYS has TONS of cute ideas! 
 This is a skirt I made for me using this pattern from the same blog, makeit-loveit.  I went out and bought basic knit material from hobby lobby and borrowed a sister-in-laws serger to finish it up. The top of the skirt folds down, or can stay up for a "maternity" type skirt.  You'll see it in the blog,  So cute!

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