Saturday, March 31, 2012

Rock Climbing

Will and I went out to Bulldog Canyon to try rock climbing again, and it was a SUCCESS!!!  We were able to set up our anchors and climb!  Unfortunately the rock at the bottom was really bad and would break in or hands or under our feet, and as we got up higher it was really slick.  I didn't make it up high at all, but Will made it about 2/3rds of the way.  Since taking this repelling/climbing course from BSA, we have gone  2 other times to try to set up anchors, but never had any success.  Although we didn't make it to the top of the climb, we were able to start feeling comfortable with our skills of finding and putting up anchors, and try some climbing.  We are hoping to go back there and camp so that we can spend more time driving around to find better rocks to climb.

My favorite part of the trip: Will anchored me into the truck tail gait while I was belaying him...which was a VERY good thing.  I wish we had a video of it.   His first try he made it 2/3rds of the way up, and as he leaned back on the rope for me to belay him down, I started flying in the air.  Thankfully I was anchored into the truck, so I wasn't more then a foot in the air. My feet were NOT touching the ground the whole time as I was letting him down.  It was VERY difficult to give me a smooth landing, and we both ended up practically sitting in the dirt.  It was pretty funny.  Needless to say... I need to practice my "flying" belaying technique, and we will ALWAYS have me anchored in to something.
if you look really hard you can see part of the rope hanging just about and to the right of the truck.

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