Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Two Years Down...Eternity To Go!

Monday we celebrated our 2 year anniversary!   It feels so long, but went by so fast!  After going out to eat, we went to Wal-Mart and bought some airplanes.  We had fun trying to figure out how to fly them and do tricks.  I have to admit, Will’s was the best.  He almost landed his plane on top of a light pole, and also got a couple inches away from hitting a bird.  I had the best scoring nose dives into the ground at top speed.  We topped off the night with an amazing dessert from Nielson’s frozen custard.  Yum!

Our 2nd year high lights…
*We became home owners now endlessly working on home improvements
*We have a squirrel, named Mr. Squirrel, in our backyard… along with some very colorful birds…
*We have 90% completed of our 4month supply
*We have taken classes to become repelling/rock climbing certified, have been collecting our own equipment, and made it out on the rocks a couple of times
*We still LOVE each other!!!  I am the luckiest person to have the BEST husband there is!


  1. Happy 2 Year Anniversary Charisse! You two are so cute together!

  2. So exciting! :D Looks like you have made great accomplishments too! I hear it only gets better! I can't wait to see what happens in this next year for you two. :D

  3. what a fun anniversary date! Happy 2 years!!!
