Sunday, May 27, 2012

My Random Weekend...

This week work has been really slow, so I've been trying to find things to keep me busy.  My sewing machine is by the time the weekend came I was bored with reading, practicing the piano, scrap-booking...ect.  So, this is was my fun and exciting weekend...

First, Friday I borrowed a dehydrator from my sister.  Then, I dehydrated strawberries and blue berries.  Sat. morning the strawberries were finished nice and crisp, and the blueberries were finished in the afternoon.  I am excited to take them on our backpacking hike this week!  Yum!

Kinda bummed that it didn't make much... oh well, more time to make more!

Cleaning up.  Laina, Annie, Brisa

Then Saturday, I invited my nieces over to play.  We had fun playing with finger paint, play dough, blocks, puzzles, and eating Popsicle (which is a must for an AZ summer). 

Finally, as if my nieces didn't wear me out enough :) I was bored Sat. afternoon.  I remember my mom making fruit roll-ups (fruit leather) when I was young and LOVED it!  So, dragging my husband along, we went over to his dads and picked tons of yummy extra ripe peaches.  I went home, chopped, ninja-ed, blended, and cooked my fruit leather.  I used my recipe from this website..only I cooked it between 170-200 degrees. So, after cooking about 5hrs sat. night, and 3 hours Sunday morning, it turned out!  One of them cooked a little too long, so we broke that up to go with the dehydrated fruit.  The 2nd one turned out great!  I turned it into 4 nice chunky fruit roll-ups for a perfect snack!  I am so going to make more!

Tips:  Spray the pan with cooking spray before laying down the plastic wrap.  Then, pour the mixture of stuff on top.  

I was able to wash, cut, blend, and have these 2 pans in the oven within a half hour.  So this is really quick an easy to get ready, then all you have to do is wait.....

in the oven
all done!
While I am kinda on the topic of making dehydrated stuff... and you might not know how much I LOVE food storage and I have been working on it... I have also been making lots of granola with my crock-pot and vacuum sealing it into quart size jars for one of my breakfast items for food storage.  I found my recipe from here.  When making it from here, it ends up kinda dry and plain.  So, I liked to add about 1/4c brown sugar to make it more sweet; I also add dried cranberries and extra honey so I can get more clumps out of it.  Oh!  And while comparing this recipe with others, one added chocolate chips, so I did that one time,  GREAT!!!  Chocolate chips is defiantly a must when I make my granola now.  I mean, how doesn't have a sweat tooth?


  1. Charisse you are amazing to me. I need you to teach me how to be more domestic!

    1. lol, thanks! I was so bored... and this was really easy! I can't believe I had never thought of it before.
