Saturday, August 4, 2012


Since we have lived in our house, we would occasionally see this squirrel.  He lives between our neighbors shed, and the brick wall.  We always see him on the brick wall, and as soon as the back door thinks about opening, he would dash off.  I named him Mr. Squirrel.

Here He is enjoying the sunshine

Last Sat. morning, as I peek out the window after breakfast to check on Mr. Squirrel, to my surprise I saw this...

Do you see them?  The white shed helps them stand out.  Sorry I couldn't zoom in on them better... my camera isn't Pro.
two smaller squirrels!  At first I thought I was going crazy... but soon I saw that Mr. Squirrel.... who I have now named to Mrs. Squirrel had twins!  We decide they are girls and enjoy throwing out old bread or muffins to them each evening. 
The Babies watching Mama
LOVE this pic!

 Well, during the week we would see 1, 2, or 3 of them out and about, until Thursday, we found this.....
I love how the parents are always just laying around in the sun
 4 of them!  1 Large, 1 med, and 2 small ones..  We decided Mr. Squirrel joined them!  (He's the medium sized one)

We have been pretty excited telling everyone that Mr. Squirrel is a girl, that had twins, and now the dad shows up!  Once we thought our little squirrel family couln't get any larger... today I woke up to look at the window to find this....

Dad, Mom, It's hard to see, but there are 2 babies wrestling in the middle, and Baby
 5 of them!  So, the large is the mom, medium is the dad, then there are 2 "Twins", and a little runt of the family.  I don't know how I am going to come up with so many names!

I don't know if you have seen the moving "Up", but it's really cute and those crazy dogs always go crazy when you say "Squirrel".  Now, my husband and I love texting, or randomly saying "Squirrel" just cuz it's fun, and we go look out the window to see them.

1 comment:

  1. i want those cute little critters to live in my backyard. We just have little lizards on our back wall...
