Tuesday, October 9, 2012

20 Week Pregnacy Moment... and more

Tomorrow!  We find out what we are having!  I have had more people  guess boy then girl, and I am kinda thinking it's a boy because we want a girl.  Either way, as long as its human, we will still take it :)

Will's favorite thing to do lately is count my "mood swings".  For those of you who are pregnant, hopefully you understand and it's not just me.  Late at night (like 8:30) you start getting really tired, which means to me at least, I have a hard time controlling my emotions.  Simple things can make me jump from one mood to another.  Will enjoys this and starts counting "that's mood one, two, three..." which in turn makes me even more frustrated as he keeps counting "four...five..." until he sees steam coming out of my ears and finally quits.  The pathetic part is that I know it is how stupid I am with getting frustrated but I still do!  Then, a couple minutes later when I am calmed down and tucked into bed, I relax and laugh about it.  This is a reoccurring event a couple of times a week, you would think I would learn. 
This week I got 3 1/2 inches of my hair cut.  I LOVE it!  I started getting really frustrated with my hair lately and decided I needed to get it chopped, it's been a whole year!  I have this ever going dilemma where I don't like my hair too short, so I grow it, then get sick of it, and like it short again.  But I am never willing to cut it every couple of months, only once or twice a year.  As of now, I love it and I am telling myself I will get it cut again before the baby is born, going one year is way to long for me. 

1 comment:

  1. hey cutie! I Love the hair cut! Your little bump is getting cuter!!! Mood swings are THE BEST and sure make the day interesting.
