Tuesday, October 9, 2012

19 week Pregnancy moment...kinda late

You know, it's really hard to go grocery shopping when you are prego... because you start to crave EVERYTHING!  Well, on Sat. I was at the store, and decided to indulge in a medium back of peanut M&M's.  So, I bought them, and ate them till there was only about 1/4 bag left.  I KNOW!  Bad!  I made Will take them and hide them so I would quit eating them.  Well, Sunday comes around, and I really want some chocolate, AKA peanut M&M's.  I looked EVERYWHERE!  I could not find them... so I settle for some chocolate chips.  I finish what's let of the bag (not much, I promise :)  Monday... I really want those M&M's!  I look EVERYWHERE again!  Even in the garbage to see if he ate the rest of them... nope not there either.  Tuesday... date night.  After going out to eat, we stop at Sam's club.  We like to "walk around" after eating a TON of food.  Well, there was a HUGE bag of chocolate candy bars!  Will talked me into getting them ;)  I then told him how I have been CRAVING chocolate and I couldn't find those M&M's.  He starts laughing.  We get home, and he pulls out the bag from the hiding spot (no, I still haven't found it, but know what room it's in now) and allows me to eat the rest.  They were SO good!  I didn't even eat any of the candy bars we just bought, even though I am sure those will be next.

I am very glad to say, "I have not craved pickles!"  From what I hear, prego people crave pickles.  I don't like them worth a nickel!  I make Will pick them off because I am even grossed out to touch them (this is pre pregnancy days too).  So, if I start to crave pickles, I don't know what I will do because I REFUSE to eat those nasty things!

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