Tuesday, October 9, 2012


This weekend General Conference was AMAZING!  I love listening to the talks, esp the prophet and always feel like they are directed to me only.  To keep myself from falling asleep during some of the sessions, I did some projects to keep myself busy. 

I made "baked" doughnuts from off of Pinterest.  I think they defiantly turned out looking a lot better then taste.  They weren't very fluffy.  Also, I guess I always imagine doughnuts being sweet, or having some sweetness to them, these didn't have any... so, if I am going to make something that is sweet, I am not making the amazingly healthy version of it because it just doesn't taste very good.  If you make them, I recommend making only the "doughnut hole" version because bite size ones tasted better.  

I received a blanket from a secret sister a couple years ago.  It was a nice lightweight picnic blanket that rolled up easily to carry over your shoulders.  I decided to make one for a friends baby shower, using the "PUL" fabric (usually used to make cloth diapers) for the bottom so it would be somewhat waterproof.  I have been working on this randomly throughout the past couple months and finally finished it this weekend with help from my mom to fix my sewing machine.  Unfortunatly, I was to impatient to wait for my mom to have time to show me how to sew the corners, so I figured it out by myself.  They don't look the best so my friend will have to forgive me, but other then that, I think it turned out pretty good!

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