Wednesday, December 12, 2012

29 Weeks

Just keep growing, just keep growing.  So I decided I love being prego!  It hasn't been to bad with morning sickness.  I was able to run/walk 2 miles about twice a week during the 2nd trimester, and had lots of energy.  Starting this 3rd trimester I have been really tired.  Not sure whether it's the baby thing or work starting to get SUPER busy, but I haven't been running in the past 2 weeks.  I decided I should probably hold off running from now on until after the baby... It's just so hard to believe that I am now huffing and puffing just pushing the extra large wheelchairs down the hall.  I am not used to being this out of shape... oh well...

I am so excited for Christmas!  Take it, I only get Christmas day off, but this season has been really nice!  I haven't been too stressed.  All of my Christmas shopping has been done and mostly wrapped since the beginning of December, and last weekend I made chocolates/candies with my sisters and delivered some of those.  It's been great listening to Christmas music.  We still need to go to the temple lights.  Will is taking his final for his LAST class to finish is Associates degree.  My mom and dad come in next week and then we have parties every night from the 22nd on and I am sure I am going to be exhausted, but I am so excited!  Yay for Christmas and family!  I am so grateful to have family close by to spend time with on the holidays, and for a day off work, Wahoo! 

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