Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Merry Christmas!

 Merry Christmas! This year was very busy with lots of family, games, and fun!  We started off our holiday celebration with driving to the bank and paying off my Honda!  We were so excited it only took us 2 1/2 years and it's officially ours!  Sat. night we had our Lamoreaux Christmas party, followed by 4th Sunday dinner with Will's family.  Monday I worked a long day, while Will spent time with his family.  Then we headed to the Tryon Christmas Eve party!  I had a blast helping out with the nativity my sister Camilla directed. After leaving that we went to the Merrill Sock Hop and partied some more.

Here is our Sleepy Christmas morning picture (I know, it's pretty bad).  Sat-Mon night I hadn't been sleeping well, and was up late each night with parties.  I was excited to be able to sleep in till 7ish Christmas morning!  Did it work?  Nope?  Wide awake at 4am... so when Will's alarm accidentally went off at 6:30 I gladly started waking him up so we could read Luke 2 and open up gifts. 

Around 8 we left go to eat breakfast at my sister-in-laws house with my parents and siblings.  Will had a blast playing magic with the boys, and I enjoyed visiting with sisters, holding little Shane, putting about 5 puzzles together and playing games with the nieces.  I was even able to talk to my out-of-town between Christmas and Christmas Eve. 

After playing hard all morning, we went home for a quick break, I took a  nap, then headed over to the Merrills Christmas party.  We brought over our new games to play.  His family had their annual tournament... this time including putting together airplanes and flying them.  Will one for distance, while I was lucky to keep mine going straight and not to constantly turn Left (I could never fix that).  We played games far into the night before heading home and crashing.  I finally had a good nights rest Christmas evening! 

I am grateful for all our family and the fun we can have with them as we support each other.  Although we had 4 nights straight of parties, it was great to be reminded of Christs birth each time and remember the reason we celebrate Christ.  I am so blessed to have the gospel in my life and be reminded of all of my blessings. 


  1. So Glad to hear Christmas was great! I hope you caught up with your sleep. Happy New year!

  2. I LOVE your Christmas morning picture! What a crazy couple of days- it sounds like you had a great holiday :)
