Sunday, January 6, 2013

Family Hike

I am 33 weeks today, but this is me at 32weeks Hiking with my Family.  I look HUGE compared to my cousin Keeley.
 I didn't feel like dressing up all cute for a prego picture, so I just took a picture off Facebook from last weekend.  My parents came into town for the holidays, and we were able to go on a traditional Kent Tryon Family hike last sat.   Here is are starting picture...

Yes, this included me, 32 weeks pregnant, Kaylene carrying her 3month old, and about 7 kids under the age of 10, plus a few more kids and adults.

 We started going up "Cardiac Hill" which is what my dad calls it... and yep, I was about to die.  I enjoyed the first half hiking with my 3 yr old niece because she had a nice slow pace I could keep up with.  I defiantly started to feel the extra 30lbs I had on and can't wait to get back into shape after the baby so I don't huff and puff anymore.  After finishing our "highway" of a trail, we took a U turn and started "bushwhacking" our way down the ravine following a creek only.  Man, there were all kinds of thorns, and bouldering, and bottom slides on rocks for us to tackle. 
This is about 1/3rd way down.. we went all the way down to the bottom.

After about 1/3 way down this ravine, we stopped for lunch and kinda wondered what we were all doing here... I knew what to except and always trust Dad to get us out... the question is when.  Luckily, the "bushwhacking" part of the hike was easier then the "highway" trails because we had plenty of short rest periods waiting for the people in front, or helping the little ones.  It was great!  After passing through the long... creek... ravine, we passed by a couple thousand cactus with only 2 minor injuries, before hopping back onto the "highway" trail back to our car.  4 1/2 hrs later... we were heading home.  Man were my arms and legs sore for a few days, but it was a great hike! 

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