Sunday, July 21, 2013

New Home Owner.... again

I have mixed feelings about being a home owner a second time, with having 2 mortgages and fixingeverything...again.... I am VERY excited with being "homeless" for 6 months to have a place for our family to be living on our own again.  I am very grateful to my sister letting me stay with her before Brady, and Will's dad and my parents for letting us stay with them until we found a place.  We were able to save up more easily without having to worry about rent.   Buying this home has been very stressful trying to get everything completed, we didn't know for sure we were even going to get it until 2 days before.  We are very happy to be able to get it and get started.
Cleaning our mis-matched cabnets

This Saturday my parents, and my very overly due sister and her 2 boys came to help us get started cleaning.  We were able to get a lot more accomplished then I expected.  I am excited to get to painting, and a little nervous about sanding/staining real wood floors.  I am even more nervous about worrying about damaging these amazing wood floors, with kids... We have a lot of work ahead of us but are excited to get on to this next stage in life. 

Pulling out wet carpet in the basement

Cleaning the walls before painting

1st pile of junk... makes it look
like we actually did something :)

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