Sunday, August 4, 2013

Work work work

The house is slowly coming along.  We finally finished some plumbing stuff in the bathroom, and just need to instal a new vanity.  The upstairs is about 3/4 of the way painted;  we pretty much have a little bit of trim left, then the kitchen and all the closets (We aren't doing much with the downstairs until after we move in).  The fresh coat of paint on ceilings and walls has been helping with the smell and looks great!  This weekend we moved out the few mismatched cabinets and found a place where the roof was leaking, which should hopeful be a quick fix.  Hopefully by this next weekend we can get the painting finished and wood floor sanded and refinished.  I am so excited to see how the floor/pain/baseboards will all look!  I think I am going to paint all the cabinets in the kitchen white... eventually, and move some stuff around in there.  It's exciting to have a separate kitchen and dining room, and some more space!  We are learning a lot with this new house.  The last house was mainly paint, drywall, and some tile.  This house is a little bit of everything.  I think the biggest thing I have learned is how much a fresh coat of paint on the Ceiling AND walls can change the house.  I am also learning to buy what I want the size that I want, and not worry about price.  There have been a few times where I bought something because it was a good deal, and ended up being too small, or not the exact thing I wanted, so we took it back.  I have also learned it is OK to take tools and other stuff back that just isn't working to get our money back, instead of just not using it and throwing it aside.

Brady has finally learned to JUMP!  He has one of the johnny jumper things and hasn't really loved it.  He would play with toys in it, then fuss after about 5min.  This Sat. while we were at the house he learned to jump!  He jumps high in it too!  It was so fun to watch him jump and twist around.  He has been much happier playing on the floor.  Although he can't scoot forward, he is a pro at scooting backwards, rolling, and turning 360 on the floor where he can usually get anywhere he wants (except 2in in front of him).  He is getting close to crawling too and loved to get on his hands and knees and rock back and forth; sometimes he just gets up on his toes and hands, it's pretty funny.  Unfortunately I don't have very many pictures of any of those, I guess that should be my project this week.  We are very happy that we can still hand him off to people and he will play happy with them (unless he is hungry, that's another story)  He is getting so big and we still love him! 

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