Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Soon to be 7 months!

Watching Dad and Grandpa outside

Brady has accomplished SO much while he has been 6months.

My favorite hiding place
I love climbing up mountains
Brady was looking handsome so I took some pictures
*He his crawling to most things.  If it's really far, or he is fussy he will still scoot.  The Gate has been up for a while because he can get where ever he wants to. 
* Favorite foods Peaches and sweet potatoes
* He has maxed at out 15lbs and 27in long.  Long and skinny
* He can pull himself to standing position with the chair or couch; he turns around so fast he needs someone by him still or he will topple over
* Still LOVES when people talk to him or smile at him.
* Favorite toys are shoes
* Likes to play under the piano bench, and play the piano.
* He will take really awkward HUGE steps walking while holding on to us with both hands
* he loves to CLIMB OVER EVERYTHING!  He will climb over legs, big and small toys, couch pillows
* Brady loves just being outside
* He gets himself into the sitting position by himself
* He loves wrestling with his daddy.
I love dad

Chillin outside while mommy and daddy do yard work

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