Friday, September 6, 2013


We finally got internet in our new home, so I can blog.  I will put up some pictures on the house soon.  For now, It's Brady time.  He has GROWN so much!  And today, he has been doing the little-est cute-est things EVER!  I am sure by 7months he will be crawling.

With the new house, he has mastered scooting.  It took him about a week to get used to the wood floors, and by then we had laid some area rugs down both don't phase him.  He has gone from room too room following me.  It is the cutest thing ever!  He can crawl about 4 "crawls" then plops and scoots because he is SO much fast that way.  He is such a big helping in finding every little thing on the floor, and LOVES all the little carpet pieces and tearing the plastic strings.  Here are some things I have captured him doing today... all happens within 1 min of putting him on the floor, all places are about 15ft away.  

Got this out for his cousin the other day, Brady's toys are behind that.  I guess he didn't like the ones I put out for him. 

The Bathroom is his FAVORITE place to go to! He must like the monkeys.

This is his favorite place to pull at the carpet.  He is doing his morning planks. He also loves to do the yoga pose downward facing dog, and rock back on his hands and knees to put himself to sleep.

I went out to bring in the groceries and kept the door open.  I walk up to Brady by the door saying "mamamamama"  LOVE This little guy!

We also got a new rug for the back door and I hadn't taken off the sticker yet, Brady found that and took it off for me.  This was his first time scooting to the backdoor which is by the stairs, I guess I have to get a gate.  He is a busy busy boy!

1 comment:

  1. Adorable! What a busy kid. My favorite is when they get tired of crawling and instead of happily crawling after you they begin to wine the hold time because mom walks too fast and it's so tiring. GO brady Go!
