Monday, September 30, 2013

Whats been up...

Family:  Brady crawls all over the place (half the time with a toy sticking out of his mouth)  He loves pulling himself up to the couch, boxes, chairs, anything and everything.  He likes to walk around holing on with both hands, and takes HUGE steps like a robot.  It's really funny. Here are some pictures to show you his favorite things...

Loves being outside and eating leaves/grass

Stand up with almost anything

Reaching for Daddy's tools
Crawling with stuff in my mouth

Yep... climbing on top of boxes
Except He can't get down, so we have to teach him
or he goes head first
 Will is still enjoying his job.  They switched ward boundaries so we have had fun meeting new people in the ward. 

House:  We finished installing the snap in wood floors and have been slowly organizing the closet.  We started painting the kitchen cabinets.  We are almost finished with the final coat, then we have to hang up a couple, and instal some counter top before I put up some pictures.  We are using the Rustoleum Cabinet Transformation kit, so if any of you want some tips, just ask.  

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