Saturday, September 15, 2012

17 weeks and counting

So here is my first official pregnancy photo... it's when I was 16 weeks and I promise my belly is bigger then it looks in this picture.  

Funny/not so funny memories about pregnancy.

1.  Pregnancy brain-  the number of times I was making dinner and forgot the most important part,  the chicken!  I remember thinking the meal tasted weird, and the next morning realized I forgot to put the chicken it!  My husband even loves me so much, he ate it without even pointing out my mistake.
2.  Craving date night at Red Robin.  Eating a great mean, then puking it ALL up within 2 min of being home.  I still don't know when I''ll be able to go eat there again. 
3. Being so hungry/sick to my stomach and getting so grumpy at dinner time because I don't know what to eat and nothing sounds good but I am STARVING!
4.  Asking my husband to cook extra eggs for dinner so I can have some, and not eating one bite when he was finished because I got so sick to my stomach.
5.  I LOVE sleeping on my stomach now and  will miss it when I get too big. 
6.  My regular jeans are getting snug and really uncomfortable and my maternity jeans are still a little too big... what to wear what to wear.

1 comment:

  1. Haha, I am SOOOO sorry to hear about the food situation! Hopefully it passes soon so you can start eating EVERYTHING in sight. And your belly is so stinkin' cute and little! Thanks for the post Charisse :)
