Tuesday, April 16, 2013

The ZOO!

  There are usually three great places to visit in Omaha, the Temple, The Mormon Trail Center, and the zoo.  Will was able to get a discount on a year pass to the zoo through work, so that’s what my birthday present was.  It was finally somewhat warm last weekend and we took off for 4 ½ hours at the zoo.  I LOVED it!  Brady slept the whole time.  Our favorite part was the jungle, which was the first place we went… then we kinda forgot to take pictures after that J  I LOVE the Omaha zoo because half of it is indoors and they have some really cool exhibits.  If it rains, you are still able to see a lot of stuff.  It wasn’t raining last weekend so we walked around most of it, but the zoo does have TONS of hills to push a stroller up and down.  Needless to say, we both got our workout and were very tired by the end of the day.  I am excited to keep going and see lots of the other exhibits and IMAX theater that we were able to get too. 

Chatting with Daddy before church

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