Wednesday, April 3, 2013


We have been here for a little over a week.  Our moving truck came Monday so we unloaded that and are still getting things organized from that.  It was great to go back to church on Sunday, and to see my old leaders from my High School days.  I've been able to go on a couple runs on the hills I missed so much, and boy do they make me sore!  Brady is getting bigger and still has good and bad days, we still love him though!  We can usually get him to smile a couple times throughout the day.  We like to think he smiles for us because it's more then when we passes gas or falls a sleep.  I haven't been able to get a great picture of his adorable smiles with a good camera, these are just from my phone, but these are the best I have.

Love the dimples!  Sometimes we can get him to smile with them, but usually it only comes out with specific facial expressions

This is his, I know you want to take a picture of me, but I am not going to give you my full cute-ness smile, so this is what you get


  1. I Love the pictures!!! I didnt get great smile pictures of jackson until he was 2 months old

  2. Handsome boy. Can't wait to hold him at the beach!
