Monday, April 8, 2013

Whats been happening...

First walk trying out our stroller
The weather has been slowly becoming warmer outside, so I have taken Brady on a couple of walks.  Our neighborhood has all dirt roads with only hills; Brady seems to enjoy the bumpy ride because he always falls asleep.  I love the walker and can’t wait till I can go jogging with it, or when we can take it to the Zoo!

Brady and I got sick for a couple of days with a bug that was going around; it’s tough to get anything done holding him all day for 2 days.  Since then he is feeling better and giving us LOTS and LOTS of smiles!  It’s hard to catch them on camera, my really good ones have been on my gofey  phone camera which doesn’t work well.  Yesterday during conference my sister Alisa and her husband Matt watched the last session with us, they were able to get consistent smiles from Brady for 5 min!  We finally got some of his good faces on a good camera.    

Brady LOVES to sit up!  He doesn’t like sitting half up in his boppy, but all the way up in the corner of a couch or in someone’s arms.   He still enjoys tummy time, most of the time.  More frequently the past week or so Brady is going longer between night feedings.  Sat. night I got 6 full hours STRAIGHT of sleep!  Then another 3, man, I had so much energy it was great!  I didn’t even fall asleep through any conference sessions!  

We enjoyed just sitting on the couch watching conference this weekend, and spending time with Will.  He has been working the past few Sat. to make up for days he has taken off, so it was nice for him to take a break.

What are you doing?


  1. such cute expressions your little guy has. Yea I fell asleep for none of the sessions of conference either. Yay us!

  2. what a great smile! That jogger looks awesome!
