Monday, August 12, 2013

Brady- Almost 6 months

Wow, Brady keeps learning new stuff each day!  I have decided this is one of his most exciting months yet, besides being born of course :)

* He can scoot forward now!  The first few days he would ONLY scoot to get to car keys, but this afternoon is was so fun watching him try to play with a small ball, only for it to roll away from him and then for him to try to chase after it.  It's funny because he looks to see how far it is, then searches around for a toy closer to see if it's actually worth going after the farther toy sometimes it is, but not all the time.
*  He has mastered sitting and playing with toys, but isn't able to move to that position by himself.  Mom loves it when he does because she can get a lot more stuff done when he plays for 30-45min by himself. 
* He got himself a high chair and defiantly misses his freedom of twisting around in his bumbo.   He goes "What, I can't move in this thing?  I am done eating" and wants to get done as SOON as he is finished instead of sitting at the table and chatting like usual. 
* When taking a bath is favorite thing to do is take the rag and shove it in his mouth as FAR as it can go, then keeps it in there while he splashes around.  He now gets his own rag while I use another for him.  I will have to get a pic of it...
*  Brady does NOT like nap time any more, mom doesn't appreciate that very much
* He has mastered jumping... my videos won't download of him jumping or scooting :(  sorry
* He still loves being outside
*  I think his favorite toy is his friends.  After I go running with my friend, we let our kids play together for a bit while we stretch and drink water, Brady will play with this big block toy for-ev-er and be completely content. 
*  HE is a big eater and will eat a 4oz jar of baby food for each meal
* He loved playing with people, and will give almost anyone a smile if you show him a little attention. 
* HE holds his bottle (I think mainly because mommy is to slow with giving it to him, and keeps taking it out because he hasn't learned about the importance of bubbles yet)
*  He is working on getting better with pulling himself to a standing position and standing at the couch
* he gets on his hands and knees so easily and loves to rock back and forth, and sometimes hops with both his knees forward.  He hasn't figured out how to move his arms without toppling over yet. 

I LOVE being his mommy and watching him grow and learn.  I continue to be amazed with how quickly they learn and grow.  We think he is the CUTEST thing on earth!  (We are betting that he will be crawling by the time we move into our new house in 2 weeks)

1 comment:

  1. I have decided your little boy looks like a adorable cabbage patch doll! The Floors look great!
